Selection for Sunday, February 16, 2025

The 10 stocks below have been randomly and automatically selected from the currently listed stocks at these exchanges: NASDAQ (4372 stocks), NYSE Amex (309 stocks), New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) (2831 stocks), NYSE ARCA (18 stocks).

MP MP Materials Corp. Common Stock, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Look up at Yahoo or Google.

PFO Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred and Income Opportunity Fund Incorporated, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Look up at Yahoo or Google.

LKFN Lakeland Financial Corporation - Common Stock, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

CENX Century Aluminum Company - Common Stock, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

STWD STARWOOD PROPERTY TRUST, INC. Starwood Property Trust Inc., New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Look up at Yahoo or Google.

VEON VEON Ltd. - American Depositary Shares, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

ZION Zions Bancorporation N.A. - Common Stock, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

LITP Sprott Lithium Miners ETF, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

MGY Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation Class A Common Stock, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Look up at Yahoo or Google.

NEWTG NewtekOne, Inc. - 8.50% Fixed Rate Senior Notes due 2029, NASDAQ. Look up at Yahoo or Google.

What's this about?

This page offers you a passive list of randomly selected stocks. It allows you to follow the suggestion of A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel.

Usually, stock markets bring buyers and sellers of stocks and securities together. But on what basis do you buy or sell stocks? What guides your decision?

If you follow Value Investing you will study available stocks and invest in those that you deem to be underpriced, and expect to be able to sell at a profit, or earn a return on your investment in other ways.

Burton Malkiel hypothesizes that on average, you will not be able to find good investments in this manner, and recommends picking stocks for investing simply at random. Who can argue with that?

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The materials and information in this website are not, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any of the securities identified.

Trading of securities may not be suitable for you. Verify all claims and do your own due diligence.


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